The English white if you love aromatic, zingy wines like NZ Sauvignon Blanc.
Don’t have time to read all of the reasons? Buy Stopham Vineyard Bacchus on Marasby Market, and have it delivered direct from the winemaker at the same price available at the vineyard itself – just £15.95
What is Stopham Vineyard Bacchus?
Stopham is known as one of the pioneering vineyards growing aromatic grape varieties like Bacchus, Pinot Gris and Pinot Blanc. Stopham Vineyard owner Simon Woodhead used to work as a Formula 1 racing engineer, and he has poured all of the passion and precision that he used to put into building some of the world’s fastest cars into making some of England’s best white wines.
What’s so great about it?
Stopham’s Bacchus is a brilliantly fresh, crisp and vibrant English white wine – a West Sussex take on zingy aromatic wines like New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc.
If this isn’t reason enough why you should drink Stopham Vineyard Bacchus…
If you buy it via Marasby Market direct from the winemaker at vineyard gate pricing, it’ll cost you just £15.95 per bottle.
Want to try before you buy? Taste Stopham Bacchus at the Marasby Intro to English Wine – a series of regular tastings at Tap & Bottle in London Bridge, where you can taste six wines that tell you everything you need to know about English wine.
Tickets for the Intro are available now via Design my Night.
What should you drink it with?
Many people say that Bacchus goes brilliantly with classic English vegetables like asparagus, and who are we to argue?
But if you gave us the choice, we’d match it with some tempura-battered shrimp in a sweet chilli sauce.
And finally …
English and Welsh wine is local, sustainable and delicious, yet 99% of wine we drink in this country is still imported. Discover English and Welsh wine and help grow the 1%.