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Everflyght rose de saignee hero shot

Winery Profile


A story of learning, innovation and continuous effort.
“We believe to achieve the best tasting sparkling wine starts with the best grapes.”

Everflyht has a simple motive. And that is to only produce English Sparkling Wine they would want to drink themselves and share with friends. It’s a fitting mission for a family that has built its home at the vineyard. And prides itself on creating a community of many likeminded friends and colleagues who have helped them along the way. There’s no doubt, Everflyht wines are  wonderful in company.

Ben and Sam Ellis started their journey into the world of English Sparkling Wine over 10 years ago. Life long fans of sparkling wine, it was a visit to the glorious Napa Valley in California that gave them the inspiration to plant their own vineyard in England.

Everflyht is a single estate Sussex vineyard nestled at the foot of the Ditchling Beacon in the heart of the South Downs National Park. It has a unique aspect and microclimate which it a great spot to grow grapes. As fans of English Fizz they concentrate on planting and nurturing the classic sparkling grape varieties of Pinot Noir, Pinot Meunier and Chardonnay. They only use their own grapes to make their wines.

Since their journey began in 2016 they have pioneered regenerative viticulture across the Vineyard. This includes soil management to increase organic matter in the soil to sequester more carbon.  And planting to increase the biodiversity of the site.

Their wine production is super focused on just two different cuvees. A non-vintage Brut and a Sparkling Rosé de Saignée.

Rosé de Saignée

How they make the wine pink

Saignee refers to the way the wine is made. Translated from French it literally means “bleeding.” And this method involves “bleeding” off liquid from a tank of juice for red wine to make rosé. In most cases this means the rosé is a bigger and more characterful wine than other rosés which are made by making a white wine and blending in red wine at the end
Everflyght English sparkling wine label


The name ‘Everflyht’ is inspired by the six martlet birds of the Sussex crest. They are thought to symbolise knowledge, adventure, and learning. Mythology has it that these birds have no feet and that they never land. They are ‘ever in flight’. It’s a compelling allegory for constant progress. These six martlets make up the Everflyht feather, a symbol of adventures and innovation in wine and to never settle.

English Sparkling Wine is a great match for anything fried. Often paired with a British classic for “fizz and chips” the refreshing acidity of the wine cuts through the fat in the food to create a perfectly balanced meal. Everflyht rosé de saignée is one of the most unusual English Sparkling Wines we’ve tried. Deep copper in colour and bursting with flavours of orange and spice. We paired it here with tempura spring vegetables to let the flavours of the wine really shine through.
Seasonal British Produce in August tempura

Wines by Everflyht